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Paper Animals, Take 3

8 Apr

Liam alerted me to these fantastic animal sculptures I just had to share. Anna-Wili Highfield, a Sydney based artist, makes these wonders out of archival cotton paper that is painted and then sewn together. She also makes animals out of copper pipe.

And this guy’s for my friend Chris, who is half man/half panda 🙂

Ok, that was the last of the paper pets, I promise! On to a new theme!

You’d Want To Eat ’em

7 Apr


Remember when you were in school and there was nothing like nice stationery to make you a happy chappy? In the world of the working adult, a similar kind of happiness is achieved from nice pens and post-it notes/memo pads.

How fresh and delicious do these sushi memo pads look? Thanks to Guy for sharing these.

Dress (your desk) fresh!

Pop It Up, NYC!

5 Apr

I came across Daisy Lew‘s design portfolio today and was immediately drawn to her pop-up series of New York City icons.

I have a crazy mad love for pop-up books. My roommate has a How-To book in the bookshelf for making your own pop-up…one of these days I’m going take a serious crack at it. I swear.

A few Post-Its from São Paulo

24 Mar

Spotted while on my retail tour of São Paulo was the shop front of Galeria Melissa, home of the famous Brazilian rubber shoes. This super-cool installation was made entirely of post-it notes! This fluorescent display put a smile on many faces and if inclined to write on the post-its, customers are welcome to leave a note or reminder to self.

Book Surgery

22 Mar

I’m totally blown away by these intricately beautiful works by Brian Dettmer, a Chicago-born, Atlanta-based artist. Using knives, tweezers and surgical tools, he dissects one page at a time, not relocating or implanting anything from inside the out-of-date encyclopedias, medical journals, illustration books, and dictionaries, only removing pieces.

“My work is a collaboration with the existing material and its past creators and the completed pieces expose new relationships of the book’s internal elements exactly where they have been since their original conception,” Dettmer explains.

I ♥ Paper Dolls

15 Mar

I ♥ paper dolls, especially vintage paper dolls. Found a nice pool on Flickr.

I remember the paper dolls I played with as a little girl. I loved how dressing up was so simple- all you had to do was fold down the tabs and voila! A new outfit!

These 1960s paper dolls are great- they look groovy and they look like they are having too much fun and I am inspired to dress up like these paper dolls.




I also love the vintage Japanese ones. They sit somewhat incongruously with the 1960s ladies but, I love the look of them too much not to include them.


Paper Pygmys

15 Mar

Reminiscent of Audrey’s paper pets, I recently came across these recycled paper pygmy owls created by artist Courtney Cerruti. She describes her owls as such: “Unlike other animals that use camouflage to blend into their environment, this species of owl (the Glaucidium Crypsis) has the unique capability to change its  appearance to that of its artificial surroundings.”

I also like artist Aimee Baldwin‘s Northern Saw Whet Owl, whose body is made of paper clay and foam and whose feathers are made of hand-cut crepe paper.

For everyone who likes the idea of animals as room decor, but aren’t into murder, these birds are for you!

Toilet Rolls To Keep

26 Feb

I love these little dioramas created by Anastasia Elias. She makes these miniature art pieces in toilet rolls, turning these unwanted rolls into little magical worlds.



Dress Me Up In Paper

23 Jan

I’d never have to worry about getting lost again if I was wearing a lovely dress made of maps!

Elisabeth Lecourt is the woman behind these brilliant paper creations. She is a French artist who lives and works in London. These dresses aren’t actually designed to be worn, but I can dream…

Paper Pets

5 Jan

I missed the quirky installation by Akane Takayama last year. Dog Sculpture moved from one park to another in London and I didn’t catch a single one of them. Luckily for me, Chikako who works as our Visual Merchandiser contacted Akane as she had an idea for our Christmas window display. She wanted to make cardboard reindeer! And now that Christmas is over, I am taking home one of our acorn cup print reindeer (christened him Mr Humphrey)! Soon I too, can take my paper pet out to pubs and for walkabouts!

You, too can make yourself a Mr Humphrey or a Gerald. He is the product of the collaboration between Richard Sweeney and Lazerian. This is him at a photo shoot:

Gerald is also available in other coats such as the one below here:

Paper pets. The commitment-free substitute to having real pets.